Java springboot Technology

Feign Client in Springboot

Feign is a Java-based client-side HTTP library that is used to make HTTP requests to RESTful web services. It simplifies the process of making RESTful API calls and eliminates the need to write boilerplate code. Feign is built on top of the popular Spring Framework and is widely used in microservice-based architectures. One of the […]

Development Technology

Dagger 2

Dagger implements the DI pattern without the burden of writing boilerplate code. Dagger 2 is the first to implement the full stack with generated code. The guiding principle is to generate code that mimics the code that a user might have hand-written to ensure that dependency injection is as simple, traceable and performant as it can be. Declaring […]

Java springboot

SpringBoot starter template HTML5/bootstrap

Set Up Instructions: There are 2 layouts inside the resources/templates/layouts folder. One has a featured bar that blends with the header. While secondary layout shows a simple header bar along with menus. Main Layout Secondary Layout: To download the starter template, please scroll to the end of this page and click the download page. One […]

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